Guest Post: Reasons Why Content is Important for Social Media Marketing by Serina Levis

I would like to welcome Serina Levis to NAG today. She is here to offer a fresh perspective on why content is important to social media marketing. Check it out and enjoy!

Content in Social Media Marketing

Whenever we talk about social media and a brand’s growth on the social media platforms, we always ask them questions like:

  • How did you get the X number of followers?
  • Why did your brand not work on certain platforms?
  • What is the ROI on the social media platform?
  • How do I get users to talk on my page and share what I post?

The answer to all these questions is very simple. It begins with the presence of the content or the lack of it.If your social media page is not performing well, it means you seriously lack the right content. If your social media page is growing with leaps and bounds, then this clearly means that the content you are posting is great and users love what you share. Content is the actual meat of your social media presence. Everything that you post is called content, if you do not have any content, your page is just a blank template and nothing else.

The importance of content is more now than before because of the communication clutter and stringent policies of all the social media platforms. If your content is not right, then there are chances people will not like it or even before that, the social media platform will not approve of it. Today’s guest blog post is going to talk about reasons why social media is so reliant on content and how does content help you get success on social media.

Content is the way you communicate

One reason for the importance of content onto the social media platforms is because of the fact that it is the only way to communicate with people on social media. Consider content as the language of social media. Now imagine how if you use the wrong language in real life situations can result in you being not really appreciated by the people you are interacting with. The importance of language is so high in real life and so is the importance of content in social media.

Content is what people feel

Content is something that people actually feel. They get emotional with what you share. For example, if you share a tragedy, they will feel sad and if you share something happy, they will be content. Content is that element which directly affects the users of social media and so the importance is very high.

Content is information

Content is also information about you, your company and the services you offer. If it is not appropriate or right, then it is directly having an impact on your organization’s credibility and your brand equity.

Content is knowledge

On many occasions, social media content is also a source of knowledge for the users. If your social media content is not saying anything insightful, then new people are going to simply ignore it. This is why it has to be absolutely credible and something which your users will be surprised to read. This is why so many brands rely on “Did you know” kind of facts on their social media posts.

Author Bio

Serina Levis is the author of this blog post. Serina is a senior account executive at a social media firm. He encourages writing blogs on websites, which is why he frequently contributes to the website follow her on: G +

Guest Post: 7 Deadly Sins Of Social Media Marketing That Are Seriously Hurting Your Brand by Eilidh Edgar

I would like to welcome Eilidh Edgar to NAG today. She is here to share some of the most deadly sins that can hurt or even kill you brand.

Personal Aside: the example used in Sin #6 is never ok anytime or anywhere. Just sayin’.


Deadly Sins of Social Media Marketing

Image credit:

Social media can truly make the image of your brand. But at the same time, if done incorrectly, it can also break your brand and ruin its entire image.
The deadly sins of social media do not just turn off your customers; in fact, their impact is more severe than that. It gives off a bad impression about you as a company and also generates negative publicity, which can seriously hurt your brand. Read on to know more about the seven deadly sins of social media marketing:

1. Mixing Religion And Politics With Your Brand
These are two topics that will seriously antagonize your customers no matter what side you take. When friendships can be severed over religious or political opinions, keep in mind that you are only a business. It would be much easier to sever ties with you.

2. Mixing Personal And Professional Accounts
Your business social media account should be strictly for business. Granted, you need to introduce a personal anecdote or two to add a personal touch but before you post your personal drama, ask yourself these questions:

  • Will it help me to sell my products?
  • Will my audience still respect me?
  • Would my customers care to know?

Refrain from posting if the answer to any of these questions is “No”! The only exception to this rule is when you want to clarify something to your customers. For example, “I will not be taking orders today due to a death in the family”.

3. Losing Your Cool
When you lose your cool in a physical store, the effect is generally contained. But if you lose your cool on social media, it puts the brand’s image on stake because any bad incident has the potential of going viral through either a picture or a video. Remain courteous to customers at all times, no matter how many times they test your patience. This will help you get out of the situation with your reputation and integrity intact.

4. Tooting Your Own Horn
Highlight your achievements but donot make it sound as if there is no one else in the world that is better than you. Firstly, that is not quite true. Secondly, there is nothing more off-putting than arrogance in almost any field. Let others decide how good you are at what you do.

5. Sounding Too Greedy
Yes, you are out there to make money but do not keep going on and on about it. Your customers know very well that you are in a business and you will be making money from it, but rubbing the ‘money part’ in their faces will only annoy them. Social media gives you the opportunity to connect with your customers on an emotional and personal level; take advantage of it.

6. Resorting To The Distasteful
A rape joke may be OK within a selected circle of close friends but in a business setting, this will only alienate your customer base. Not only everyone has different taste when it comes to jokes but also there are limits that should never be crossed especially when you are doing business.

7. Using Cheap Tactics
The best way to get your customers to “like” your content is to make it genuinely likeable. Avoid resorting to cheap tactics such as posting content that include things such as: “like this post if you have guts” or “share it at your own risk”. It only makes you lose credibility and respect in the eyes of your customers.
If you are guilty of any of the above, take a good look at your social media strategy and revamp it if you have to. Be honest with yourself, and do what is required.

Author Bio:
Eilidh Edgar is a career consultant at write my coursework mainly specializing in developing next gen leaders and entrepreneurs. She also loves to blog about the changing trends and methods in the online business industry.

Guest Post: 5 Tools Everyone in the TWITTER FOLLOWER Industry Should Be Using by Sheena Mathieson

I would like to welcome Sheena Mathieson to NAG today. She is here to share 5 tools that everyone who uses Twitter for business should use. Enjoy and try them for yourself!

5 Twitter Tooks

Many companies are now turning from one social tool to another in order to reach out to a specific audience. This refers to the kind of audience that the online industry is relying on so that they can reach an array of the company’s products and services. Using a social tool like Twitter allows the distribution of information to reach each and every Twitter follower. Here are a few tools that everyone in any Twitter follower industry should consider using.

Long links can take up a lot of characters, which can be a problem for Twitter whose characters are limited. If anyone needs to shorten those links, it is recommended to use Not only that, but it saves a lot of time by sharing these shorter versions of links to more than one account. Through, individuals can make customized domains that match for their company. This personal touch creates trust among any Twitter follower.

Hootsuite is another favorite tool used by the online industry. If a company uses more than one social media, Hootsuite allows its users to manage them instead of having to open them individually. By doing it this way, it saves a lot of time and effort that can be used somewhere else in a more productive way. Not only is it easy and convenient, it is a single platform that allows you to access all of the social network channels that the company is in.

Another popular social tool used in the online industry is BufferApp. Instead of flooding every single Twitter follower with interesting and relevant news that one finds every minute, this tool allows the user to send these links in accordance to a schedule. This is important so that followers won’t get annoyed with overloading of tweets at a single time. The user can set up a particular schedule based on time to evenly distribute such information.

SocialBro is another social tool that companies can invest on. This is because its users can analyze critical data and assessment towards a path of making important decisions that can enhance any marketing strategy. SocialBro reaches out to a target audience that is vital for any company. It attracts potential clients and customers.

Another powerful tool that can be added to the list is Twitterfeed. Shared quality content can be viewed by the audience over multiple social networks. After users have distributed the content, statistics can be tracked and monitored. This way, users can analyze which content is popular among the audience so that users know what kind of content to look for in the future when the need arises.

All of these social tools can be used in the online industry in order to boost and promote a particular business to an audience who is in need of such product or service. These are meant to be used for long term measures so that companies can watch as they progress or bounce back after a series of downfalls. A combination of marketing strategies as mentioned earlier are important in order to reach the company’s goals.

About the Author

Sheena MatthiesonSheena Mathieson, understands the essence of making excellent content that suits the needs of every business especially when it comes online marketing. She can spice up your marketing campaign with the content she makes and then incorporate Buy Real Marketing services.

Guest Post: The Application of Social Media in Business Administration by Katherine William

I would like to welcome Katherine William to NAG today. She is here to share some information about using social media in business administration which authors and writers can glean from since being an author is a business in itself and social media is necessary. Enjoy!

Social Media in Business Administration

Technology has touched every single aspect of human life and picturing life without it is awkward and unmanageable. Social media is a novel and an impressive product of technology, around which our lives are dependent, absolutely and completely.
By saying our lives revolve around social media is actually true in a literal sense. People are more impressed by this new approach rather than any other thing. Social media is defined as online communication through different mediums such as websites and blogs.
This approach is novel in its sense because no other such development has taken place. Social media is used for a variety of purposes that include exchanging information, expressing opinions, defining strategies, sharing photos and manifestation of speech.
This is defined as a vast and huge medium through which one corner of the world is actually connected to the other corner. Initially, used for entertainment purposes and commitments, the scenario has again taken a turn and social media serves purposes other than entertainment as well. Social media, hence is used and adopted by different business oriented folks who are learning and are on the verge of expanding their business and what better and a perfect way could there be other than the social media?

Social media has enough space for advertising purpose, these new websites allow young entrepreneurs, financiers as well as other business agencies to promote their work and communicate with other businessmen as well. This result in exchange of information, which is benefiting both sides not only that, but also businessmen can advertise and promote their industries through this forum.

With the help of paid services, business companies can advertise on social media through which exposure and publicity is given to their respective companies. Since, social media connects different minds, it helps to promote and publish the work of businessmen and their companies. Moreover, new business strategies are appreciated and acknowledged throughout with the help of social media. In a nutshell, social media is a perfect opportunity for the purpose of business publicity.
Social media is an exceptional way to study and receive information as well. Business related tips are available online and also posted on different social media websites by professional expert businessmen. Hence, to increase business related information one can also pay a visit to social media websites to keep themselves updates and enhance a bit of knowledge relating to the field. Lastly, business related debates can help create a healthy environment that can bring the two poles together for one purpose.
Enhancement of Business
With the help of proper advertising, promotion and exposure many existing settled business companies can post job requests on social media as well, which helps them to gain maximum employees of experienced nature. This is how businesses are improved and enhanced and this is another way to open up different global branches across the world. There are different websites available, created solely for the purpose of professional communication and linkages. These associations are created to enhance professional relationships among people.

Author’s Bio

Katherine William is an employee at Chiefpapers-Academic paper writing. She has been working in the company as a Senior Assignment manger for 5 years. She has received her education in the field of Computer Sciences and has earned a Masters degree in Business Management.

Guest Post: Four Trends That Will Change in Social Media This Year

I would like to welcome Maxwell George to NAG today. He is here to share some thoughts about what could be changing in social media this year. Seems exciting. Enjoy!

Changes in Social Media



The secret to staying in the market for all social media networks is to continuously evolve, grow and offer its users something different as well as private. Privacy in social media is something which has recently become a major concern for the users. With the hacks and malicious activities going on, social media users and the experience are going through a kind of turmoil. Recently released news about Face book and Twitter being hacked and the passwords being publicly available to, everyone has taken the social media world with a wave of concern.

Fast forwarding to the New Year and coming future, we still social media are only going to get stronger every passing year. The rising challenges will only help social media networks to strengthen and address all the issues and come stronger. Social media has become such an amazing reality, that now it is next to impossible to think it will start to fade away or eventually cease to exist. Every year, in fact, we will see further changes that will not only improve the overall user experience of social media, but also something different and better in terms of connectivity as well as security. Our blog post is going to focus on various changes that are expected to take place in the social media field this year and how it is going to change the way we use social media networks.

Payment Security and Options

It has been very frequently reported in the news media that the likes of Face book and Gmail are now planning to introduce the facility to transfer money using debit or credit card details of the users. Some users have already reported the availability of this feature on their pages and it is thought all this is under the testing phase. This can be a revolutionary change in the social media networks something which Face book and Google both are known for. Such a change will not only improve user experience, but also offer an amazing new feature to them.

New Networks Mean New Competition

Face book might have countered, it’s competition by taking over Whatsapp and Instagram, but every passing day more and more social media networks is taking up on air. Likes of Tumbler and Snapchat will also invest and see an increase in their user base. So as the new networks take the playing field, competition for already existing giants will increase since users will have many more options to choose from.

E-commerce Integration with Social Media Networks

This year might also see the integration, e-commerce functionality with the big social networks. This means users will be able to do their shopping while browsing through their social network profiles. The likes of Amazon will have increasing competition if users get the opportunity to shop from their social media profiles.

More Security and Privacy Regulations

It is not a hidden fact that more and more work is being done in terms of managing privacy and security amongst the networking profiles. We will see different policies of passwords, user identification and registrations regarding the registrations of profiles will take place.

Author Bio

Maxwell George is the author of this blog post. Maxwell has worked with different social media agencies and now has one of his own. He likes to talk about social media and technology on various forums like cheap essay help service at

Guest Post: Making Your Content Go Viral- Reach Millions by John Kelly

I would  like to welcome John Kelly to NAG. He is here to share a few ideas about how content can–and usually does–go viral. Please note this is no magic bullet or one-size-fits-all, foolproof thing. But enjoy!

Viral Content

As if the social and digital media weren’t enough, more and more discoveries and concepts are being birthed today.  One has to be a successful planner or a brand has to have great insight with this kind of media, and it is important and essential to not only understand how these concepts work, but also figure out a way to get them working for your own particular brand. Within all those new concepts that have taken place with the growth in social media much of it relates to content and its marketing. There are different schools of thought that tailor to the question as to what makes your content strong? One such school of thought is that your content is strong when it goes viral. Now the next question comes, what exactly do we mean by viral? Viral in its generic definition means something which is contagious and has the ability to affect others just like viral infections. Similarly, content is viral when it is absolutely contagious. Now how do we do that? Well, today, we are going to post exactly about what makes your content contagious and make it so viral that within a few seconds you will reach a million users.

Using Strong Emotional Appeal

Most social media planners focus only on the aesthetics and strong delivery of their own brand message. This is not exactly what works on social media. In order to create strong viral content besides your brand message, you also have to appeal to your users. The best way to achieve that is to create strong emotional content. According to a popular research, most of the content that goes viral has a lot to do with the causes and emotions of the people. So the next time you are working on social media content, keep emotions as your main drawing board.

Content Should Reflect Your Identity

The content that you make should be unique, original and prove your identity. Content that resonates something which has already been done before is never going to be viral, because it has already been done and dusted. Brands that work on creating extremely unique and emotionally strong content like Coke, always get the best viral rate and reach. You should find three key strengths about your brand that perfectly resemble your identity and then it will become easier for you to deliver that across your content and communication.

Assess Your Content Through Your Own Perspective

Once you are done with finalizing your content, do a small case study or focus group session with yourself and your employees. Use the same content and find out if they were the users. Would they actually like the content? And not only that, will they make an effort to share it with their friends and folks to make it viral? If the answer to this is yes, then you can go ahead with it, if it is no, this means you need to rework your strategy.

Try to Capture Moments

The best kind of content which goes viral is related to emotions and with them they are usually moments, memories and situations: everything that resembles something that is faced in reality.


Author Bio

John Kelly is the author of this post. He is working for the sake of student who needs tips to create projects over social media. He also joined with a legitimate firm of paper writing service – AOneEssays to to provide customized assistance and guidance to the students.

Guest Post: Four Ways to Find Better ROI and Values on Digital Marketing by Kate Cross

I would like to welcome Kate Cross to NAG today. She is here to share some thoughts about getting a better Return on Investment (ROI) on digital marketing–and this can apply to authors as well. Enjoy!

ROI on Digital Marketing

Since the growth and evolution of the internet world, marketing and branding experts have treated it as a platform to magnify and experiment different approaches to get their brand loyalty and get close to their consumers. They are also busy in trying to establish a direct connection between the digital marketing and sales, something which has been traditionally done with other mediums of communication like Television or Out of Home. It is not a surprise, which most of them have failed in their experiments of connecting sales to the internet. Digital and social media marketing is not something that will generate direct sales for you, it is and should be used for a completely different purpose. Companies, who realize this soon enough, do not fluff their lines and grow as a brand on the internet, while others who stay persistent with this philosophy often face certain failures.

Digital marketing is not about growing your sales revenue, throughout the research and case studies, it is a proven fact that digital and internet marketing is more directly connected to consumers and should be used to leverage the brand to increase its marketing, awareness and loyalty, instead of pushing the audience to buy the product. The more you push your sales to the internet audience, the worst your return on investment will be. If you are aiming to maximize the ROI on your investment and get the best value out of the Digital Marketing, then follow the last four sections of our post.

Create a Care for Your Approach

Consumers online look and seek brands that have a “We care for you” approach. They are more interested in how as a brand you can solve their problems, or add something significant to their lives. This is why more advertisements on the internet are revolving around problem solving approach. For example: Do you wish to lose weight? Or something like: Wear the famous jacket this winter. Consumers want brands to understand them and then tailor their services. This means that letting the consumers feel exclusive and personal, developing a strong connect and an appeal with your consumers.

Be very relevant and specific

What brands do is try to create mass appeal with their products in order to push sales and maximize reach. This way their message becomes highly irrelevant and too public to develop a personal connect. On the internet, you should be very specific as well as highly personal. Filter your target audience and only aim for the spots and websites where a large chunk of consumers is expected.

Create a Holistic Approach

Never use different communication messages on different platforms. Your way of communication and method might be different, but never make your communication speak different things on different platforms. This way not only your audience will get confused, but your brand essence will also get lost in the clutter and difference of the message.

Look to Better the Experience of Your Consumers

Work to improve the experience of your users by having a really good and seamless website or applications that you have.

Author Bio

Kate Cross is a Digital Media expert in the MENA region. She works with various clients, specifically with the technological and B2B ones. Her advice on the digital media front at Online Essay Tigers Services is largely valued and appreciated. Peoples can follow here at FacebookTwitter.

Guest Post: Defining a Great Social Media Strategy for Your Brand or Company by Jenny Gunn

I would like to welcome Jenny Gunn to NAG today. She is going to share some thoughts with us about developing a social media strategy for you brand or company–which an author is! Enjoy! Defining you Brand on Social Media Social media is the new powerful tool that can either make you or break you. It depends on two things, first your consumers and their behavior on social media and the second is you. The way you use social media depends on how you will progress on the digital footprint. The power of social media is such that it can make a brand last long enough in the minds of consumers in a matter of seconds and overnight. This is the reason, most of the companies, brands and people are now jumping over to take the social media platform and give their brands a great Digital footprint. However, just being on social media means nothing. Consider social media a space with infinite possibilities, so to be effective enough, you need to have a strategy in mind and a map of how will you progress, what will you do and what channels will you use on the social media front to make sure that it is beneficial to you rather than destructing. To define a great social media strategy you need to keep few things in mind which are in the following sections of this article.

Understand your Brand and the Need for Social Media

Going on social media is not just for the sake of it. First, understand your brand and the essence of it, try to learn how can this be translated into the social media communications? Find out the key areas of your brand that you will highlight and use in your pages and channels. It is also important you follow the branding guidelines exactly as they are laid out in the social media. A same company giving out different messages on different channels will never be successful.

Understand your Target Audience

To find the right track on social media, find your target audience and see how they behave, what channels they use and the timings they are online. All this could be found through research very easily. Once you find your brand audience, it becomes very easy to concentrate and focus on the strategy in one direction.

Define Objectives

Once you have the target audience and brand essence set, now is the time to define objectives that you wish to achieve through your social media management. Is it the brand awareness, is it the sales or a promotional campaign. Whatever it is always defining your short and long term goals, to identify what you are trying to monitor and measure your success rate over the period of time.

Use a Holistic Approach

Do not just focus on one channel or platform; make a holistic approach on social media which is perfectly connected with your overall marketing and media campaign. The holistic approach is something that will ensure your brand gives out the same message wherever your target audience goes.

Spend Money

Always get this, that social media is not free. Remove this perception and keep some significant budget for your social media strategy and implications.

Author Bio

Jenny Gunn is a famous social media activist. She runs various page management campaigns for her clients and frequently posts on Assignment Done UK Writing Service website to guide people on the social and digital media front. For more details join her at Facebook|Twitter


Guest Post: A Road Map To A Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign by John Kelly

I would like to welcome back John Kelly to NAG today. He will share some thoughts about what to do to help you social media campaign. Do note, however, that this is not an overnight thing. Enjoy!

Social Media Camapign

Almost all huge conglomerates as well as small independent businesses are present on the social media nowadays. This is because social media is the best and easiest way to communicate with consumers and get instant feedback. So, being present on the social media is not just a luxury for a business, but it is the need of the hour.

If you are about to start your very first social media marketing campaign, then here are some tips that might help you to get started.


Define your goals:

The most important element in your campaign is what you are trying to achieve via this campaign. You have to sit down and define your goals and their objectives prior to working on your campaign as your campaign will be built along these goals.

Once you have established your goals, assign each goal a definite result, i.e. what will define that you have achieved that goal.

Then, once you have done this exercise, your campaign will be developed around the goals. Basically, through your campaign you will devise methods to achieve these goals.


Consider your options, target what is necessary!

The social media opens up a vast array of options for you! You have blogs, contests, forums, discussion groups, social networking as well as music websites and the list goes on. But, instead of just jumping into the ocean without any knowledge, you should focus on one area first.

For this, you will need to define your target market. For example, if your target market is teenagers and your business is related to beauty products, you can easily use Facebook, Instagram as a starting point for your campaign as you can post pictures and videos on these sites, as well as beauty tips and advice.

Remember, don’t overdo it as you will end up getting confused and overwhelmed, just focus on your specific target audience and start small, after you have mastered one area then move on to the next.


Regularly post updates with a consistent message:

Once you start your campaign, remember it is critical that you post regular updates on your page or your blog.

Your post should be engaging and entertaining as well as informative. Useless content will render your campaign useless!

If you don’t know about optimized content, you can take online courses on it or hire an SEO manager, but all your posts should be optimized to get the maximum audience.

Furthermore, your message through every post should be consistent.


Build relationships and communities:

The main reason you are shifting to social media is that you want a stronger bond and a close relationship with your consumers, so focus on a two way communication.

All of your content should not be advertizing related as it will seem that you are pushing your product too much, rather engage your consumers and try indirect methods of advertising. Your aim is to build trust and confidence of your consumers, so you have to respond to their queries on time and try to build a relationship beyond that of a marketer and the consumer.



Author Bio:

John Kelly is a renowned academic writer. Currently, working with the team of Get Essay Done, he is a content writer as well as a mentor for students who need guidance in writing.

Guest Post: Leveraging the Social Web for Self-Publishing Success by Tanisha Williams

I would like to welcome Tanisha Williams to NAG today. She will be back in a couple weeks to discuss a different topic as well. Today, though, she will be talking about why it is important to leverage social media and to talk some more about a new ebook platform Chat Ebooks. Click on the links to check out the site. Authors and readers alike are wanted!

Important note: Just as I am colleague Rachel Thompson have said time and time again, social media is not just sell, sell, sell, your book–it is about meeting and interacting with people and building relationships. Enjoy!

Leveraging Social Media

Ever since the advent of the Internet and e-reading devices, the self-publishing industry has virtually exploded in popularity. In the days before the digital revolution, self-publishing was somewhat frowned upon as a type of “vanity press”, where authors had to finance their own publishing efforts due to an implied lack of outside interest in the book. Nowadays, any author wanting to self-publish a book can present his/her work to a potential audience of millions of people with only a few clicks of the mouse. Needless to say, it is easier now than ever for aspiring authors to experience self-publishing success due to the outstanding opportunity that the Internet has afforded.

Hugh Howie, a prolific and highly successful self-published author, recently published an eye-opening report asserting that the earnings of self-published authors have actually surpassed those of authors who have signed with the big five publishing houses (Macmillan, Penguin Random House, Hachette, Harper Collins, and Simon & Schuster). This salient data point underscores the shift in the balance of power that is taking place where authors’ publishing capabilities and royalties are concerned.

Although this data is definitely encouraging to the aspiring ebook author, it is important to note that only a relatively small percentage of self-published authors earn the lion’s share of the royalties. According to a survey of over 5,000 authors conducted by Digital Book World, a mere 0.6% of self-published authors earned over $200,000 in 2013, and roughly one-fifth of the self-published authors surveyed earned nothing at all. While the number of extravagant success stories will always be in the minority, this does beg the question as to what may be the “missing ingredient” that keeps many self-published authors from achieving breakthrough success.

This is where ChatEbooks truly begins to stand out as a digital publishing platform. Although there are a large number of publishing platforms and venues to choose from, and each one has its strengths and weaknesses, ChatEbooks is unique in that it offers not only the ability to self-publish your book, but it also leverages the power of social media to connect authors with their readers in an unprecedented manner.

Most ebook publishing platforms allow you to upload and sell your book, as well as receive reviews from readers, but they do not offer anything in the way of establishing true connections with your readers through social interaction. ChatEbooks harnesses the strengths of social media in order to help authors and their readers engage and connect within the context of the selling/reading experience. If you are an avid ebook reader, you may be able to leave a detailed review of an author’s book, but wouldn’t it be even better if you could provide feedback directly to the author, and then have that author respond in kind? This is the type of interaction that ChatEbooks provides to its users. Having this kind of direct access to the authors whose work you have come to appreciate and support is nothing short of a book lover’s dream.

If you are an aspiring author, you will definitely appreciate the benefits of using ChatEbooks in light of the limitations of other publishing platforms. You will retain complete control over the pricing and distribution of your book, and you are allowed to keep 100% of the revenues from the sale of your book. Also, unlike many other digital publishing platforms, you will have immediate access to any monies generated from your book sales. The unique social media interactivity offered by ChatEbooks allows you to engage with your readers in an exciting and personal way, a benefit that can pay great dividends in the form of referrals and recommendations. It is no secret that word-of-mouth is still the most powerful form of advertising, and by offering your readers a personal connection to your work via ChatEbooks, you open the door for them to share your work with their network of friends. This can produce more fans of your books, and more revenues for you!

It is easy to see why ChatEbooks is the ebook publishing platform of choice for authors who are looking to expose their work to a diverse audience, and connect with their readers in a meaningful way. With the myriad of advantages that ChatEbooks offers, it only makes sense to join and begin taking advantage of this powerful self-publishing platform.

About the Author

Tanisha Williams is the author of two non-profit e-books “501c3 In 12-Steps” and “Simple Internal Controls That Protect Your Assets”.  Her desire for more interaction with readers was the key inspiration behind the development of her latest business venture ChatEbooks (  ChatEbooks, launched in October 2014, harnesses the strengths of social media in order to help authors and their readers engage and connect within the context of the selling/reading experience.